Don't forget New York City had its own Folk Giant a century before Lawerence Taylor was born -


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KL, I have some questions about the reading group. Is there some way of contacting you besides Substack comments

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Liucather@gmail.com or uci email works too

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You can email me. There are no tests for the reading group if that is what worries you…it’s a good balance of lecture and diacussion

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Brilliant article about Big Hard Dicks -- about the Penis Industrial Complex in Damage


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People pointed out that I forgot about John Henry when I called Paul Bunyan the only American folk hero. I was just quoting Wisconsin Public Radio. Last time I am that lazy. Thanks everyone for the correction.

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Here's a fun video of strong guys on a drilling rig floor. Typical tour is 12 hours a day 7 days a week for 2 weeks, and then a week off. I did this for over a year.


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