I'm on continuous dialectical trips entwining G7 / BRICS / "Davos" / CCP / NATO / Putin / U.S.A.

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I never would have guessed that the most prescient film of our time would be ”Weekend at Bernie’s” and the fact that there is no sequel which takes place in the White House with handlers secretly puppeteering a dead President, shows the lack of will and imagination of today’s Hollywood. ;) That said, his shadowy puppeteers, which I'm sure include Blinken and Kirby and a large faction of the NSC, will never give up power voluntarily. Why should they? Kamala was installed as VP precisely because that way the Presidential Puppet would be harder to replace with his #2 that way. Anyone that thinks people should voluntarily relinquish power "for the good of the country" (lol) has not been watching national politics or any of these characters for very long.

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I have never seen that film!!! Will put it on the list.

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I haven't seen it either. But they still gotta make that sequel. Might be too late now though with a nuclear winter coming, (90 sec to midnight say the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists), despite Biden claiming the only existential threat to the world is from Climate Change.

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Another key illusion of American politics is that the people in power pretend that no ruling, or exercise of power is happening. The economic/tech elite are just following the economic democracy of the "market" and the political elite are following the demands of the public, since they were duly elected. Dissident voices are merely misled by unsanctioned information: malinformation, disinformation, deep fakes etc, usually coming from Russia or China.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

As a journalist who was born and raised in India but has spent the last 24 years in the U.S. (and five years before that as a correspondent with a blue-chip news magazine in Hong Kong), I totally relate to your astute, comparative analysis, Catherine. It is strikingly clear that, Samuel Huntington's apocalyptic thesis notwithstanding, civilizational subtleties and differences have always been important throughout history. It seems as though the proverbial (Western) arrow of progress has never been less certain of its mark than over the past quarter century, when a "new millennium" was supposed to somehow magically create heaven on earth. Whether or not Biden continues to be the presidential head of America's historical war party, the world appears to be headed for another collective war, 90 years after the previous one, thereby proving the theory that international conflicts repeat every 100 years. We sure are living in interesting times.

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Private equity and the military industrial complex will fill in the power vacuum. The takeover of the U.S. economy by private equity is something to see

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I’m glad your coffee pot is working! ☕️✊☕️✊

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