I’m so tired of drag. I used to have ideas about it- analysis etc., now I’m just sick of it in general. Can I just find it stupid and annoying?!

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and English is now spoken and heard all over Paris, the cinemas play more Tom Cruise & Marvel than French films & everybody watches Netfllix.

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oh my. I have been trying to find a good example of petitio principii for a precocious ten year old I know and I believe your ramblings are a good example.

Christianity has always been the low hanging fruit for 90% of the academic cognoscenti but a

Drag Last Supper to open a sporting event? How exactly is that related to your anamorphic take on history of adolescent Parisian drama clubs?

Interestingly the French are trying to scrub it from the Internet now, just like the cowards of South Park did when they realized making fun of the Prophet Muhammad had real life consequences.

So Dr Liu somehow this snippet of the Culture War is amusing to you as you are above the fray. Why don't you try musing on Muhammad shagging his nine year old bride in dramatic form and we can all have another laugh at the expense of the Culture War.

Enjoy your day.

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